Monday, May 2, 2011

April Blog

The song I chose was Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen.

In the song, Bruce talks about how he lived in a small town, where he got in a little trouble. He then got sent to Vietnam to fight. When he came back to the USA he wasn't able to get any benefits or work. He then goes on about a friend he had that died in the war and he had a little girl, who now has no father now. Bruce later says how he has nowhere to go, and its ten years later. In the chorus, he states he was born in the USA. This song represents society, because during the Vietnam War men were recruited. They were sent to fight in the war and many lost their lives. It was the first war the USA had not won. Normally, men were welcomed home from war, but this time they more then often ignored. Bruce wrote this song to address the problems of the Vietnam War, and how the Veterans were mistreated when they returned. The song was originally named "Vietnam," but was later inspired to change it to "Born in the USA." At the time, when the song was written, many people were in conflict over the war. People held huge protest for the USA to bring back the soldiers. This song relates to modern day society because we are in a war right now and many people are being recruited to fight, but this time by choice. A lot of people don't want this war right now and think it is pointless for us to fight. Every once in a while, people will protest to bring back our troops.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent explanation of the meaning of "Born in the USA" and its connection to the time of Vietnam. However, you need more specific examples and details about society today. For example, how does this song speak to our society today? Is the "war culture" the same? Are people having similar feelings about the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya? Mr. K
